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[11-11 12:05:54]   来源:http://www.duoxue8.com  英语写作   阅读:209

--when i am faced with some difficulties, listening to my adorable band
backstreet boys makes me sing along with their cheerful tunes; when i get bored with studying english, reading my worshipful "chairman mao" makes my mind slip into the past decades; when i am in a flagging mood, watching my favorite star "jackie chan" makes my troubles fly away with his funny performances. 

--in order to prove the existence of gravity, my second toothbrush jumped into the washing pool today; i had warned him not to betray me, but he was determined to do it; he should know the result, and now he can enjoy the dirty water as his dinner soup. 

--i want to fix my computer, which has been broken for two weeks; every time i need to write stephen‘s homework, the "hard drive" doesn‘t work as usual; this drives me crazy, but the friends in my dormitory only say it‘s nothing. 

--how bright his eyes are, like the twinkling stars; how warm his smile is, like the shining sun; how deep my love is, like the growling sea. 

--at the thought of the coming holiday, i can‘t wait to go home; given so much homework, i prefer not to have this holiday; at home, i only remember to watch tv and sleep rather than do my homework. 

--speeding up, he is fast like a leopard running in the jungle; jumping up, he is high like an eagle soaring in the sky; slam dunk, he is powerful like a bear punching its enemy! (jordan, we love you forever!)

--when i wrote the first sentence, i was full of creative inspiration; when i wrote the second sentence, i began to rake my mind; when i wrote the last one, i was going to abuse somebody out of boredom. 

--the second snow of this year fell last night, and it was considered to be beautiful; many lovers made small snowmen, laughing happily at night; i stared at them, and was very jealous. 

--a bull is important to a farmer, and so is a tractor; a husband is important to a family, and so is a wife; a political party is important to a country, and so is a government. 

--lazy john is playing computer games, which are his favorite pastime; his father is thinking deeply, doing john‘s homework instead of him; his mother is busy washing cabbages, preparing dinner for john. 

--it was raining heavily, and we looked at each other in the eye; she went away suddenly, leaving me in the rain; i was about to say something, but held back my words. 

--as i had feared, the snow returned; large white flakes fell down, covering the streets; my hopes collapsed, for i knew she would not come. 

--the second snow fell down yesterday evening, the flakes landing on the roof quietly; the thin fog covered the bright window, and little sister drew a picture on it with her finger; mother was knitting a sweater near the fireplace, because christmas day was coming soon. 

--mother is waiting for me at home, and putting dinner for me into the pot; my father is sitting in a chair, and also waiting for me to come home; i am loitering outside the house, because i got low marks. 

--among the four seasons on the earth i like spring most, as it is a wonderful time in which new lives develop; flowers of various colors and delicate shapes come out during one single night and decorate the huge mountain, and trees turn green and swing slightly in a gust of spring wind; the river glows in the sunlight and flows east happily, and a wet and gentle wind blows into people‘s hearts. 

--to keep fit, there are a lot of people who do exercises in the park every morning; to enjoy themselves, there are plenty of tourists who pay a visit to the park during the daytime; to have a rest, there are some old people who walk along the park‘s lake in the evening. 

--if people lived without music it would be just like having no color, and the world would be as monotonous as a line; if people lived without books it would be just like birds having no wings, and we would not make even the smallest progress; if people lived without love it would be just like a fireplace having no firewood, and relationships between people would be as cold as ice. 

--the elective class teacher conveys her dedicated thoughts with an excited look and various actions, and she thinks the students should accept this with great curiosity and an active response; the students stare at the strange teacher without any interest and physical response, and they just take the notes from the blackboard automatically like a robot; the fluorescent lights hanging below the roof are like six sleepy old men talking with each other secretly, and the noise they make is just like a lullaby to the students to make them more tired and sleepy.

--time is flying, and we will go home, getting ready to rush into the crowded train; during the winter holiday, we will have spring festival, when we will have to visit many people; though we enjoy ourselves in this short time, we must return to school reluctantly, and see the same old boring faces in our classes.
--if you really love her, you shouldn‘t let her be sad, so please love her heart and soul; if you really hate her, you shouldn‘t give her any chance, so please disclose all of her shortcomings; if you really can‘t bear her, you should tell her this, and depart from her immediately! 

--parents who love you all the time, will give you help forever, and you should thank them all your life; friends who give you motivation, will help you when you are in trouble, and you should also give them more encouragement as a friend; enemies always hit you, but they provide competition for you in all aspects, and can also give you more motivation to make more progress. 

--"the lord of the ring, part iii" will be shown this wednesday, and this is good news for those crazy tolkien fans like me, because we have already been waiting for it for almost a year; even without watching it, i can be sure that it will be a wonderful movie, and it won‘t let me down; these days i‘m looking for someone who can treat me for the ticket, because after watching "pirates of the caribbean", i‘m already broke. 

--the morning glory in the backyard grew exuberantly, and the flowers blossomed with various delicate colors, showing its most glorious moment at five or six o‘clock in the summer morning; on several occasions i happened to watch their process of blossoming, and i was deeply impressed by their unique shape and fragile petals, so i decided to get up early so as not to miss this beautiful scenery; the morning glory always had withered by the time i rushed downstairs to the backyard, which discouraged me greatly, so at last i gave up the idea and kept those beautiful flowers in my heart. 

--march and april are the most favorable months for the growth of azaleas, especially when the tender spring wind blows over thousands of plants in the hazy blue mountains, bringing their green color to all the lives that have gone through a bitter winter; the buds of each azalea stretch out their tiny faces from the cold branches, gradually lay out their crimson-dotted-with-brown-speckled petals, and "burn" the mountain into a large and colorful garden; it is a most exciting thing to get lost in this flower ocean, melting one‘s heart and soul in this quiet but affectionate environment, enjoying the precious and splendid moment which only belongs to you. 

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