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[11-11 12:07:28]   来源:http://www.duoxue8.com  英语谜语   阅读:771

7. What is the smallest bridge in the world? (世界上最小的桥梁是什么?)

8. What is the difference between the North Pole and the South Pole? (北极与南极的区别是什么?)

9. What makes naughty boys long to work in a clock factory? (淘气的男孩为什么想去钟表厂工作?)

脑筋急转弯大全及答案:7. The bridge of a nose. (鼻梁)
8. A whole world. (整个世界。 a world of difference 天壤之别)
9. They want to make faces. (make face 做鬼脸,做钟表面)

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