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[11-11 12:01:09]   来源:http://www.duoxue8.com  英语学习方法   阅读:851


  1、听——答(Listen and answer)这又可按照由易到难的原则分成如下几类:





   (1)Han Meimei finds English quite difficult. But why does she still like it best?

   (2)Lucy always gets wrong answers to maths. How do you think about that?

   (3)If you aren’t good at Chinese, what will you do ?How will you learn it well?

   (4)What is the use of science?


  2、听——重述(Listen and repeat)此种方法要求孩子将听到的材料几乎一字不差地重述出来,可以达到两个目的:一是训练学生听力的精确性;二是培养孩子正确的语音语调。

  3、听——复述(Listen and retell)此法要求孩子运用已学的语言材料,将所听到的材料内容较完整地表述出来。以JEFC第三册第8课听力训练为例,在听完材料后,可以复述如下:

  Some of the results of the games come out now. The boys come from Class3 get the first prize. The boys from Class1 are the second ,and the boys from Class2,the third. And in the girls’ relay race, the first is Class2.the second is Class1,and the third, Class3.


  4、听——表演(Listen and act)这种方法要求孩子将听到的材料用戏剧化、角色化的方式表述出来,较为生动形象,且有一定的交际性。


  5、听——读(Listen and read)这又分三种:①先读后听;②先听后读;③边听边读。可以要求孩子进行如下活动:找出答案,发现错误,指出区别等。以JEFC第三册第52课听力训练例:


   Voice:1.What day is the Christmas Day every year?

   2.How to make a Christmas cake?

   3.What’s a Christmas tree?



   Voice; Someone says that the Christmas Day is on December 24th.So you must get everything ready for the Christmas .On that day, people often have a fire and a Christmas tree. We often eat only a bird and drink some water. And we put our presents for others on the floor under the tree. Everyone should open his present before that day.



   Voice: All the people in the western countries enjoy the Christmas .And some people enjoy the hard work before that day because it’s very interesting. In my family, my family, my mother usually makes the big Christmas cake for us. My old grandfather buys the Christmas tree. My father and I usually put the present in the tree and cover it with lights.


  6、听——画(Listen and draw)此法有两种方式:①用简笔画表达听力材料的内容;②用图表表达听力材料的内容。第一,例如听完JEFC第三册第19课听力训练材料后,可以让孩子用简笔画加关键词汇表现出来。


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