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看电影学英语 GHOST

[11-11 12:05:54]   来源:http://www.duoxue8.com  趣味英语   阅读:734
看电影学英语 GHOST,标签:趣味英语资料大全,http://www.duoxue8.com

一.Plot Summary for Ghost :
     Sam and Molly are a very happy couple and deeply in love. Walking back
   to their new apartment after a night out at the theatre, they encounter a
   thief in a dark alley, and Sam is murdered. He finds himself trapped as a
   ghost and realizes that his death was no accident. He must warn Molly
   about the danger that she is in. But as a ghost he can not be seen or
   heard by the living, and so he tries to communicate with Molly through Oda
   Mae Brown, a psychic who didn‘t even realize that her powers were real.
   psychic 通灵的(巫师)
    一对恩爱小夫妻森和摩莉,一天晚上当他们看完电影走出剧院时,森却飞来横祸,被逮徒抢  劫后枪杀。变成鬼魂的森意识到他的死不是一个意外,而是有预谋的。他得告诉摩莉她所处的危  险。但是人鬼殊途,森无法被活着的人听见和看见,他试图通过一个通灵女巫奥迪美和Molly交  流...
   (奥迪美的扮演者,WHOOPI GOLDBERG, 因此影片获1990奥斯卡最佳女配角奖。)

        二.Words Phrases & Dialogues:

   Pitching these Japanese guys makes me so nervous. pitch, v. 迫使某人接受

   - How are you feeling? What did the doctor say?
   - He said it was contagious, ...contagious adj.指(疾病)会传染的

   3.进入Sam的办公室,Sam让Carl在10点前转帐$900,000, Sam说,
   Can you transfer it to his payroll account?
   Discretion, right?payroll n.(公司员工的)薪水总额with discretion 慎重的、审慎  的

   -You like it, huh?
   -Like is hardly the word. I didn‘t know it would be this beautiful. 
   It‘s incredible!"Like is hardly the word."

   -What‘s the matter? 
   -A glitch.glitch,[Slang]80年代出现的计算机用语。小故障,失灵: the term "bug" to   refer to a computer glitch.
   I want to nose around a bit.nose around/about,
   It‘s like a vendetta now.vendetta, 长期争斗,家族世仇
   If you start to go blind, give a shout.
    "give a shout"意味“喊我一声,我会帮忙的。” 
   Adios.adios, 再见

   S: I was spellbound the whole time.
   M: I would tell. So could everyone else with that resonating snore
   of yours.
   M: Quit being so blase about this.
    spellbound, 着魔,入迷,出神

   blase, 对(享乐)感到腻烦的,厌烦的。
   The New York Times is just some frustrated little critic with pimples on
   his ass who flunked art school.
   pimple 丘疹
   flunk [Slang]失败,考试不及格

   Somebody? Somebody help us!
   Sam, don‘t you leave me.
   Sam, hold on!“有人吗?”用somebody
   Don‘t 前置,起强调作用。
   hold on, 坚持,挺住

   “Miss Jensen, if you‘ll just step this way, please."step this way, 请这边走

   It‘s a whole new ball of wax.
    the whole ball of wax, [slang]
   =the whole shebang 全部,整个
   She‘s in the cardiac wing. She‘s fighting it.
   例:the children‘s wing of the hospital.医院的小儿科部门
   He‘s a goner.goner, (口)死亡的,或劫数难逃在人或事物。

   -We are reminded of his kindness, his generosity, his buoyancy of spirit,
   ...buoyance n.(指人、态度等)能从挫折中迅速振作起来的,乐天的
   buoyancy of spirit 乐观精神
   -We are all travelers on the same road, which leads to the same
   -As our loved one enters eternal life, let us remember that love, too, is
   eternal.eternal 永恒的,永久的
   eternal life 永生,来世
   -That although we will miss him, our love will light the void and dispel
   the darkness.void, 太空,空间
   dispel, 驱散,消除

   You can‘t stay in all day.stay in 不出门,呆在家里
   No, I‘m really not up for it.not up for 指Molly没心情散步

   13.Sam走进了Oda Mae的“通灵”店,(店名是Spiritual Advisor)
   Please be seated.小学课本上只有,“Sit down, please"。
   14.Sam说Oda Mae是在骗前来“问仙”的人钱,
   Way to go. Milk her for every penny.milk, (比喻)从(某人或某机构处)骗取(钱财、情报等)
   Way to to, 再这样下去的话
   15.Oda Mae对“问仙”的人说,
   -You‘re fortunate today. The spirits are churning.
   -Have mercy!
   churn n.搅拌器 v.搅拌牛奶以制黄油。此处意为,剧烈搅动,翻腾
   mercy (口)恩惠,幸运
   16.Sam评说Oda Mae的骗术,
   What a crock of shit.crock of shit [美俚]
   nonsense, lies and exaggerations, mendacious cant = bullshit, 胡说
   17.当Oda Mae真的听到Sam鬼魂的声音时,她吓坏了,
   I swear, no more cheating. I promise. I‘ll do anything. I‘ll do penance,
   but make that guy go away.do penance for sth.

   18.Oda Mae要Sam离开,去找别人帮忙时,Sam说,
   Somebody else? You‘re out of your mind.our of one‘s mind
   发狂的,精神错乱的 可能相当于上海方言中的的“有没有搞错?”(个人理解)
   19.Oda Mae在Molly的楼下,想见Molly,
   “This is for real."for real [sl]真的,实在的,可能的 例:Are you for real? (你讲的)是真的吗?
   20.当Molly不信任地责问Oda,她来找她究竟为什么?Oda Mae说,
   -Hey! Look! If you think I‘m here for my health, you‘re crazy.
    not for one‘s health [sl]

   21.当Oda Mae罗哩罗嗦地向Molly解释为何Sam不肯离开尘世时,
   Sam: Would you stop rambling?
   Oda: I‘m just answering her question, He‘s got an attitude now".ramble
   rambling (指讲话、文章等)不切题的,不连贯的
   当说别人态度不好时,可以说,“He‘s got an attitude."
   22.Sam要Oda Mae告诉Molly,
   Go to the police. It was a setup, I was murdered.setup 有组织,有计划,有安排

   23.当Molly告诉Carl关于通灵人Oda Mae来访一事,Carl说,
   -Molly, there is no one on earth besides you who wants this to be true
   more than me.除了你之外,世上再也没有谁比我更愿意相信这是真的。
   -but you got to be rational about this.但是你得头脑清醒些。
   rational 能推理的,神志正常的
   -I don‘t buy it, Moll, not for a minute.buy (口)认为合乎情理而接受(某事物),相信
   可不能解释为“我不买它。” :-)

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