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Clamp down:对……施压

[11-11 12:05:54]   来源:http://www.duoxue8.com  体育英语   阅读:262
Clamp down:对……施压,标签:体育英语资料大全,http://www.duoxue8.com



  China advanced to the quarterfinals of the Women‘s Handball competition after beating Brazil 28-23 in their Group A clash today. …They(Brazil)were ignited by Zhai Chao (CHN), the best player in the world last year, who scored four goals in a row to put China ahead. Following her example, the other Chinese players clamped down on the Brazilians and went on a goal frenzy of their own.

  Clamp down常和on连用,表示“对……施加压力;取缔”,例如:The police clamped down on illegal stock exchange activities in the streets.(警察取缔了街道上的非法证券交易。)名词clamp-down表示“(为防止和压制某事而采取的)严厉政策”。

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