[01-23 17:37:09] 来源:http://www.duoxue8.com 注册采购师考试 阅读:449次Sale by counter sample:We ubmit the copy of buyer’s sample or our similar sample to the buyer. It will be the counter-sample after buyer’s confirmation. 凭对等样品交易:为了避免误解和日后发生争议,我方还可以选择以下方法:按买方来样复制或提供相似的我方样品提交买方确认,经确认后的样品成为回样或对等样。同时,为避免工业产权纠纷,应声明:如来样引起侵犯第三者商标、专利等工业产权问题,概由买方负责。
Chapter4 Calculation Before Export Quotation 第四章 出口报价前的核算
export quotation:1 Purchase price of goods商品进价 2 Quotation quantity报价数量 3Export freight出口运费 4Premium rate保险费率5 Commission佣金6 Exchange rate汇率7The profit rate利润率8 Rate of export rebates出口退税率 9Circulation expense
(domestic) 流通费用(国内总费用)10Export packing出口包装
Theoretical arithmetic 理论算法
: Cost计算成本,Expenses费用, Profit利润, Quotation报价
Purchase Price Of Goods 商品进价
The purchase price here refers to the after-tax cost. It is the foundation of an offer. Usually the purchase price is in the form of unit price. Different commodity has its own price unit. Once the price unit confirmed, the relative expenses should be calculated according to it. 商品进价是指税后的购货成本,它是计算报价的基础。通常商品进价以单价形式体现。这里就涉及到计价单位的确定问题。不同的商品有不同的计价单位。计价单位一经确定,则其他相关费用就应该以该计价单位为基础计算,分摊到每一计价单位上。
Export Packing
Package is an important method keeping goods intact both in quality and quantity in the course of circulation. According to its different functions, the package can be divided into transport package (outside package) and sales package (inside package). Here the export package refers to the transport package. When making a quotation, we should confirm the material of package, the volume and shape of the goods, the mode of packing, and make sure how many packages and containers we need. Then we can make an accurate estimate of the freight and relative domestic expenses.
出口包装 根据包装在流通过程中所起作用的不同,可分为:1 运输包装(即外包装),主要作用在于保护商品和防止出现货损货差;2 销售包装(即内包装),除起保护商品的作用外,还有促销的功能。3 这里所说的出口包装指的是运输包装
Quotation Quantity
n According to the practice of international trade, the amount of goods influences its price. The larger the quantity is, the more favorable the price will be,and vice versa. Moreover, when quoting in CIF or CFR, we are not sure about the insurance premium until the quantity of the goods and the mode of packing are confirmed. And we can only quote as our practice (such as 20’ container or 40’ container). 报价数量 按国际贸易的习惯做法,成交量的大小影响价格。即成交量大时,在价格上应给予适当的优惠;反之,如成交量过少,甚至低于起订量时,则可以适当提高价格。在报CIF或CFR价格时,只有确定了报价基于的总数量以及出口包装方式,才能确定运保费。由于此时客户还未下订单,我方只能按照自己的常规量报价。
Export Freight
q When quoting in CIF and CFR, we will encounter the problem of freight. The freights are different according to different ports of shipment, different ship companies and different containers. 出口运费 在采用CIF或CFR价格术语对外报价时,就会涉及到出口运费问题。不同的指运港、不同的船公司、不同的货柜对应不同的海运费。
Premium Rate Premium rates are different according to different commodities、destinations、means of transportation and coverage. Insurance companies formulate them on the base of the loss rate and the loss ratio of goods according to international level and the practical situation of our country. 保险费率是按照不同货物、不同目的地、不同运输工具和投保险别,由保险公司根据货物损失率和赔付率,并在此基础上,参照国际保险费水平,结合我国国情而制定的。
不同的险别有不同的保费率,对应不同的保险金额。保险金额(Insured Amount)是被保险人向保险公司申报的保险标的价格,即保险公司赔付的最高限额,也是计算保险费的基础。通常保险金额按CIF或CIP总值加10%计算。所加的百分率称为保险加成率,它作为买方的经营管理费用和预期利润加保。
Commission refers to reward given to middleman for his promoting business. In international trade, there are many ways in calculating commission: according to the arranged percentage of the total amount of payment and according to the quantity of the commodity, and so on. 佣金
在国际贸易中,有些交易是通过中间代理商进行的。因中间商介绍生意或代买代卖而向其支付一定的酬金,此项酬金叫佣金。 在国际贸易中,计算佣金的方法不一:
Exchange Rate 汇率
When quoting in foreign currency, we should make a conversion between RMB and foreign currency. So we must take the exchange rate into consideration. Usually, the exchange rate adopted in quotation is similar to the official rate在我国,对外贸易多采用美元作为计价货币。买卖双方没有规定用其他货币支付,则计价货币即为支付货币。 当采用除人民币以外的其它货币报价时,应将人民币折成外币。这就存在着汇率问题。一般情况下,报价采用的汇率在国家的外汇收购价左右,偏差不大。
Rate Of Export Rebates 出口退税率
Reduce、strengthen their capacity of competition, and encourage export, the domestic tax authority returns the collected domestic tax to companies所谓的出口退税是国家为帮助出口企业降低成本,增强出口产品在国际市场上的竞争能力,鼓励出口创汇,而实行的由国内税务机关退还出口商品国内税的措施。不同的商品有不同的退税率。
Circulation Expense (Domestic) 流通费用(国内总费用)
While calculating a quotation, we must take the domestic circulation into consideration, which mainly includes: packing charges、certification fee、petty expenses in harbor area、commodity inspection charges、interest of imprest money、business expenses and bank charges. Generally bank charges are 0.5% of the offer. 商品在出口前有许多环节的工作,包括包装、认证(如产地认证)、商检、国内运输、银行交接等。这些环节所需的额外费用称为国内费用,主要包括包装费、认证费、港区港杂费、商检费、垫款利息、业务费用(经营管理费)、银行费用等,在计算报价时也应计算在内,通常银行费用为报价的0.5%。
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